Monday, April 04, 2005

The shit tv continues...

A lot of my mates have been telling me "Dude! You've got to watch Desperate Housewives, its awesome!" I didn't give it too much thought for a while because let's face it, most tv is shithouse. Without much else to do tonight, I thought I'd watch it and see what all the fuss was about. What did I discover? Nothing.

This show is so shit, it's not funny. Sure, there's a hot chick in it but she can't salvage this show from its own shitness. If this show was on after 9:30pm so she could take her top off on a regular basis, then just maybe it could get me to watch this show. There's no way that's going to happen, so there goes another show that can be added to the list of new series with fuck-all fresh ideas.


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