Hot German Chick

German girl, courtesy of google image search.
There's a home-style takeaway shop near where I work and a friend recommended me to them. I walk in there one day earlier this week and I'm greeted by this sexy girl. She's tallish, dark blonde hair in a pony tail and glasses (the thin-framed classy looking ones). Her accent had me drawn in from the beginning, but I couldn't put my finger on it. My workmate thought she was American. Where he got that from I have no idea. After speaking with someone else, it turns out they asked her and she's German. "Oooh!" was my initial reaction... "Kinky!" shortly followed, haha.
The hot-librarian looking German chick popped into my head a little while ago, so I just googled "german girl" or something and this is what was thrown at me. I think there were some sausages with sauce pictures, but I I'll just stick with the pic I've got here. Enjoy.
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