Elfen Lied - Anime

Elfen Lied tells the story of a new breed of human being born, noticed as mutants with horns growing from their skull. From a young age, their instinct is to kill many humans by use of their telekinetic type abilities. They are able to control numerous "vectors", these are basically invisible arms that can control objects, kill people and transmit the virus that gave birth to them in the first place.
This is one of the most violent anime's I have ever seen with nudity all over the shop. Combine these things together and you'd expect a very shallow story with nothing but action and naked girls to keep you interested. The opposite is true in this particular case.
All the main characters are well thought out. Each of them has a backstory, though some are more detailed than others. It tells a very engrossing tale and leaves you begging for more at the end of each episode. It only goes for 13 episodes, with an additonal 14th (and much needed) episode to be released on DVD. So it's easily watchable in one sitting, which I did besides the meal and toilet breaks. The series ended kind-of abruptly, but it was clever. I'm still dying to see more though.
I definitely recommend this to any anime fan, over 18 of course. But it all boils down to whether or not you can stand all the blood, gore and nudity... no matter how old or mature you are. Even with the vast amounts of violence and bare skin, it's worth sitting through it all to experience the rivoting storyline.
Overall 4.8 / 5
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Yes, I agree. A most excellent anime. Very moving!
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