WEP Cracked In 10 Minutes!
As mentioned yesterday, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) can be cracked in 10 mins. I have done this personally, so I know it works. Here's a site that has a video on there in flash format demostrating exactly that. It's very cool and shows you just how easy it is to get past your WEP encryption, if you use it that is. If you're interested, the Linux Live CD distribution used in the video is available here.
Even after seeing how weak WEP is, it's still a good idea to have it on. The majority of people likely to leech off your wireless connection will not know how to do this, nor own or bother to get the correct equipment to perform this process. WEP will keep most people out, just not the select few in your area who know what they're doing.
Link: Cracking WEP in 10 minutes
Even after seeing how weak WEP is, it's still a good idea to have it on. The majority of people likely to leech off your wireless connection will not know how to do this, nor own or bother to get the correct equipment to perform this process. WEP will keep most people out, just not the select few in your area who know what they're doing.
Link: Cracking WEP in 10 minutes
Great work!
[url=http://mgeotvez.com/tmcq/lbhu.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://amiulvwd.com/jzph/cmtb.html]Cool site[/url]
Great work!
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Great work!
http://mgeotvez.com/tmcq/lbhu.html | http://ojtnihbn.com/xqoa/icif.html
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